Key Outcomes
The achievement of better outcomes for Highlands’s children, their families and the communities in which they live is the overarching objective for children’s services.
The outcomes are designed to consider the ways in which;
Children and young people receive the help and support they need to optimise their well-being at every stage.
Children and young people get the best start in life and enjoy positive, rewarding experiences growing up.
Children and young people benefit from clear protocols, procedures and effective systems for recording observations and concerns which take account of best practice in information-sharing.
The outcomes relate to the impact of services on the well-being of children and young people using the SHANARRI indicators. It focuses on their experiences and the extent to which their lives and life opportunities will be enhanced to ensure they are;
Respected and Responsible
1. Children are protected from abuse, neglect or harm at home, at school and in the community.
2. Children are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe.
3. Young people and families live in increasingly safer communities where anti-social and harmful behaviour is reducing.
4. Children and young people experience healthy growth and development.
5. Children and young people make well-informed choices about healthy and safe lifestyles.
6. Children and young people are equipped with the skills, confidence and self-esteem to progress successfully in their learning and development.
7. Children and young people are supported to achieve their potential in all areas of development.
8. Children and young people thrive as a result of nurturing relationships and stable environments.
9. Families receive support, advice and guidance which is well-matched to their needs and available in ways which helps them to prepare for the various developmental stages.
10. Children and young people are physically active.
Respected and Responsible
11. Children and young people know their rights and are confident in exercising these. They are able to express their views and be involved meaningfully in decisions which affect them.
12. Families are valued as important contributors and work as equal partners to ensure positive outcomes for their children and young people.
13. Children, young people and their families are supported well to develop the strengths and resilience needed to overcome any inequalities they experience.
14. Children, young people and families are enabled to tell us what they think about services and the community in which they live, and improvement is determined with their involvement and by understanding their views, wishes, and expectations